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Aussie Broadband joins Pledge 1% to help build better communities

Media Release | Thursday 3 June 2021 | 2 min read

Community Impact Manager, Caroline Kennon

Aussie Broadband is excited to announce that it has joined Pledge 1%, a global movement that encourages businesses to be a force for good.
Community Impact Manager, Caroline Kennon said Pledge 1% is simply about committing company resources to help improve communities.

“At Aussie Broadband, we’re in business to change the game. This includes how we, as a company, can make a positive impact on our community – both locally and nationally.

“This isn’t motivated by needing to tick boxes or big-noting ourselves – it stems from our value of being good to people and our strong Board and Senior Leadership Team commitment to community service,” Caroline said.

Pledge 1% participants have the freedom to pledge any combination of product, equity, profit, or time to whatever charity or cause they choose.
Aussie Broadband is pledging up to 1% of staff time, driven largely through its generous 3 days of paid community service leave, and 1% Profit (EBITDA) through a combination of donations and sponsored internet connections.

One of the organisations that Aussie Broadband supports by providing broadband services is the Perth Observatory.

Matt Woods from the Observatory says Aussie has helped live stream astronomical events like the total lunar eclipse not only Australia, but to the world.

“We us use our Aussie Broadband connection not only for our day-to-day operations, but also to send back data on space junk from one of our telescopes to the US,” Matt said.

“It also allows us to store thousands of glass plates off-site on servers so they can be used for research and not lost for time. Students and researchers from around the world use our R-COP telescope for their research and studies,” he said.

“Aussie Broadband is allowing the observatory not only to be a gateway for Perth but for everyone around the world.”

Co-Founder and CEO of HoMie Clothing, Nick Pearce also thanked Aussie Broadband for its help.

“We’re an organisation that supports young people affected by homelessness and hardship to equip them with skills and experiences to help them prepare for their future.

“We’re super grateful to Aussie Broadband for their support in providing us internet access to facilitate our thriving e-commerce business,” said Nick.

Pledge 1% Chief Executive Amy Lesnick said that as a global community, member companies are coming together to share ideas, tackle common challenges, amplify each other’s efforts, and to encourage their teams and partner ecosystems to do whatever they can to help in this immense time of need.

“This level of collaboration has the potential to drive significant social impact, unlocking millions in funding, product donations, and talent to support frontline workers and to address increasingly critical issues around racial injustice, mental health, small business viability, and education.
“Together, we are a force for good.”

To learn more about Pledge 1% visit
For more about Aussie Broadband’s Community Impact initiatives, click here

All information contained in this media release, including references to costs, speed, and capability of the Aussie Broadband network, was correct at time of publication, and may have since changed.

Media Enquiries

Alex Walker | Media Advisor

[email protected]

+61 448 110 962

About Aussie Broadband Limited

Aussie Broadband is an Australian operated telecommunications company that was formed in 2008 and is based in Morwell Victoria, Australia.

The company's main focus is nbn® (NBN) subscription plans and bundles to residential homes, small businesses, not-for-profits, corporate/enterprise and managed service providers.

As a licensed carrier, the company provides these services through a wholesale agreement with NBN Co, a mix of leased backhaul infrastructure from third parties and its own network equipment.

The company also offers a range of other telecommunications services including VoIP, mobile plans, the OptiComm network and its white label platform.

With its acquisition of Over the Wire, the company is also a Tier 1 voice provider, and offers a range of tailored cloud, connect and collaborate solutions to business, government and enterprise customers.

Along with being a proud member of the Pledge 1% Movement, Small Change Big Change and more, Aussie Broadband is a certified B Corporation and the largest telco in Australia to hold accreditation.

Aussie Broadband has remained Australia's Most Trusted Brand in Telecommunications since December 2020 and was more recently named Australia's Most Trusted Telco for the second year in a row at the Roy Morgan Trusted Brand Awards for 2023.