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Getting to know your SIM card

Last Updated: Thursday 4 May 2023

Pictured below is a sample of the SIM cards that we issue to our customers.

A photo of the Aussie Broadband green SIM card in its original card pop-out packaging

You can find the SIM number in the top left corner of the card. It is also written on the SIM card itself, opposite to the gold chip.

Our SIM cards are ‘triple punched’ or a ‘3-in-1’ SIM. This means the SIM can be broken down into 3 different sizes (Standard, Micro or Nano) to fit any mobile phone.

A white/grey graphic of three types of SIMs, from left to right, being

If you are ever confused about which size to use, simply Google the model of the phone to confirm the size.

Just remember that if you make the SIM card too small, you can put the SIM back into the larger bracket. It is best to sit the SIM and bracket on a flat surface to put it back together.

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