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What is my Point of Interconnect (POI)?

Last Updated: Monday 21 Aug 2023

Diagram showing how your home network connects to the nbn network, and Aussie Broadband's network

What is a POI?

The Point of Interconnect is a crucial link of the nbn® (National Broadband Network) as it connects you to us and onto the internet. The NBN’s infrastructure has a total of 121 Points of Interconnect (POI’s), and they’re typically located inside telecommunications ‘exchange’ buildings.  However, not every telco exchange will have a POI.

These Points of Interconnect are located Australia-wide with in each state:

New South Wales: 41
Victoria: 30
Queensland: 22
Western Australia: 14
South Australia: 9
Tasmania: 2
ACT: 2
Northern Territory: 1

Where is my Point of Interconnect?

You can find out which POI establishes your connection with our handy tool by following this link.

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