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Troubleshooting dropouts on FTTN/FTTB/FTTC

Last Updated: Wednesday 7 June 2023

This guide will help troubleshoot dropouts on FTTN/FTTB/FTTC nbn® connection.

What is a dropout?

Dropouts occur when your device loses connection. This can be a short hiccup or a lengthy loss of connectivity. There are different types of dropouts which require their own method of troubleshooting. First, you will need to narrow down which part of your network is experiencing issues.

Are all devices experiencing dropouts at the same time?

If only one device is experiencing the dropout, then it’s likely to be an issue with that specific device. If the device is hard wired to the router, then double check the cables. Try a new cable, and if the issue still persists, then you can try opening command prompt (on a Windows computer).

A screenshot of the Windows start menu, with command prompt highlighted and typed into the search bar.

You can search for command prompt in the search bar or press the Windows key + R. This will open up a run box, and you simply type "cmd" and hit enter. Run the command prompt by clicking okay. If you know your router’s IP address you can simply type PING (followed by the router IP) for a Netcomm this will be PING

To find the router IP, you can either look at the sticker on the router or type IPCONFIG into command prompt. The default gateway address should be your router IP.

If the Ping times out to the router, then the dropout issue is somewhere between the device and the router, or possible the router itself. If this is a wired connection, this may mean the cable is faulty. If this is a WiFi connection, then WiFi Interference or Connectivity problems may be to blame. Please click here for troubleshooting WiFi.

Are the dropouts on a wireless connection?

If dropouts are occurring on a WiFi device, then you need to confirm if wired devices are experiencing the same loss of connectivity. If you’re unable or if the problem is just WiFi related, then please follow this link for troubleshooting WiFi.

Internet dropouts that affect all devices on both types of connections

You’ve narrowed it down internet dropouts.

Step 1 – Keep a log of the dropout times, and for how long the connection remains offline. Also note down the steps you’ve taken to rectify the problem such as restarting the router.

Step 2 – Restart the router. This will give the connection a fresh start.

Step 3 – Ensure the router is isolated at the primary phone point. There should be no splitters or filters on the line.

Step 4 – Call Customer Service on 1300 880 905. They will check the stability of the line. If the line is unstable, a stability profile will placed on the service for further testing. This will need to be in place for 48 hours before we can raise a fault to nbn® Co.

Step 5 – Test another router. nbn® Co like to see two separate MAC addresses on speed and dropout faults. There is about a 40% possibility that the problem may be rectified with a new router if you only have 1 phone point (see step 6 for more details). *Note: This step may be crucial to an ongoing fault. We need to rule out that the router is not the culprit.

Step 6 – Check phone points. If greater than 1, it’s recommended to call a licensed cabler to improve internal wiring. If you do not know where to find one, you can call an electrician to guide you to the right person.

Let’s be real, is it worth fixing internal wiring?

Yes, absolutely. Internal wiring can cause dropouts and a potential massive loss in speed. Your connection will improve with the additional points removed.

If the dropouts persist through a stability profile, another router, and fixing internal cabling, then there is likely an issue with the line that nbn® need to investigate. Please update Customer Service with dropout faults so we can resolve these as quickly as possible as we understand the frustration with connectivity problems. .

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