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Monday 11 Sept 2023 | 4 min read

How to switch internet providers in 5 easy steps

A female at a desk surrounded by boxes and with a laptop in front of her. She's holding a clipboard and pen in her hand, with the assumption being she's just signed something.

Switching internet providers can seem like a tricky process full of potholes and banana skins. The truth? You could be switched and internet surfing (cowabunga, dude!) in a couple of hours.   

While you might have some questions – like, “will my landline be brought over?”, “is my modem locked to my provider?”, or even “can I keep my Wi-Fi name as ‘Wi Believe I Can Fi’?” (always a “Yes!”) – we’ll help you answer these and more in the next 5 steps!  

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Step 1. Do your research! 

There’s never been so many different ISPs offering nbn™ plans, to suit your every need.  

If you have a lock-in contract with your current ISP or need to give notice to leave, you’ll want to start there. Depending on how long you’ve got left on your contract, you may need to pay fees to get out of it. Chatting to your provider means you’ll know what financial impact leaving will have. Some providers need 30 days’ notice before they cancel your service, but this is only for certain ISPs – again, reach out to find out! 

No contract and no notice needed? Great, time to put out the feelers.   

Knowing how your household uses the internet helps when picking a plan. If your family games, streams, and does everything in between, a higher speed plan is wise. Live alone or with a partner? Maybe a lower speed is all you need. Want a phone or entertainment bundle? There’s plenty out there. To get a better idea, click here to find out how much different activities weigh on your internet connection.  

Your address may be eligible for a $0 NBN upgrade to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP). Besides being futureproof and more reliable, you’ll be able to access higher speeds – a lot higher. If lightning-fast internet is something that’s up your alley, see below to check your eligibility. 

Want to futureproof your internet for $0?

See if you're eligible for nbn™'s $0 Fibre Upgrade today!

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Step 2.  New plan, new hardware?  

Splashed out on a faster plan or taken up the fibre upgrade? There’s a chance you’ll need a new modem or router. Not all are created equal, so a faster connection needs tech that can handle those speeds. 

Your old modem could be locked to the ISP you bought it from, which might mean more fees if you want to take it. Assessing how many devices will be simultaneously connected to your router will dictate how powerful you’ll need it to be.  

Happy with your tech? Ace — aside from some configuration that your new ISP can help with, it should be a case of plug in and go. If you’ve chosen to become an Aussie customer, see how to set up your BYO router here.  

A photo of the back of an internet router, with the hands of what appears to be a male touching it. The hand on the left is pointing to a port on the back, while there are ports with white leads running into them.

Step 3. It’s time to migrate  

If you’ve been using the email that your old ISP provides, you’ll need to move that data (emails and contact information) to a service such as Gmail or Outlook before you move.  

When taking a landline (or VoIP) phone over, your existing number may be able to be transferred across with your service. Check with your new ISP, or click here to learn about the porting process.   

Step 4. Minimising your downtime  

You’ve got your tech sorted, and just bought a shiny internet plan from your new ISP – congratulations! Hopping from one NBN service to another usually has a small amount of downtime, sometimes just minutes. 

If you have FTTP, you’re in luck! You can support multiple connections simultaneously. You could even run a “trial” with a second ISP (so long as they provide trial services) and switch between the old and new one to see which service you’re happier with. 

A photo of a female sitting on a blue, plushy couch with a phone in one hand, a pen in the other writing in a notebook, as well as a laptop on her lap.

The secret to minimising downtime is waiting to cancel your old service until after your new one is online. When a new service is ordered, your new ISP boots (not physically, we’re peaceful here) your old connection off the line. If you cancel before your new service is turned on, you run the risk of longer downtime. 

Also, if you’re porting your VoIP over, cancelling your old account too early could result in you losing your existing number – so relax and let the internet fairies do their thing!  

Step 5. Waving goodbye to your old ISP 

The final step to save you from an unexpected bill is to call your former ISP and say “I’m sorry - it’s not you, it’s me”.  

So maybe it’s not that dramatic, but you’ll still have to cancel your old account with them. This can be done, like with all things in this blog, by getting in touch and letting them know.  

Doing this as soon as your new service is active means you’ll avoid being billed for your old service, because who likes being double-billed? 

If you’re wanting to make the move to Aussie, take a peek at our NBN plans here, or call our Sales team on 1300 880 905.  

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Tags:Getting startedMoving Internet

Written by

Benjamin Millard

Benjamin Millard

Communications Officer

Benjamin (or Ben) is a Communications Officer at Aussie Broadband. Responsible for the operation of Aussie’s organic social media, Ben also produces editorial blog content, as well as helping with community management. In his spare time, he...

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